Power Platform Center of Excellence toolkit is superb. Most of our customers have installed it. But if your Power Platform journey has just started, CoE might be overkill.
Many organizations just need to know
- What apps they have?
- Is there something they need to do? What? For which apps?
Therefore we built a super simple app for this. Canvas Power App of course.
- User can browse environments and check what (canvas) apps they contains
- Apps are highlighted if any of the following is true: App is published 100+ days ago (=should be republished if in use), App last modified day is same than creation date (= “I just tested it”) or App is not shared to anyone
- User can add him/herself as a co-owner or take ownership of the app
- User can open app details in make.powerapps.com and take actions (share, edit, look analytics etc.)
- User can add comments, responsible person and actions for a App. So user can build list of interesting apps. Like “this one should be moved to environment x” or “this should be deleted” etc. This list can be Power Platform Admin team’s to-do list for the Apps.
- Solution doesn’t gather huge amount of data about the Apps. All the data is retrieved in real time by using PP Admi Connectors. Only interesting Apps are stored in the Dataverse.