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Customer Stories

Discover how some of our Customers have transformed their businesses with Power Platform solutions. This page features some of our Customer stories that highlight the challenges, solutions and outcomes of our successful projects. You can learn from their experiences and see how we can help you achieve your goals.

Helen image

Helen – Continuous Services

Helen Ltd is one of the largest energy companies in Finland, founded in 1909. The company produces and sells electricity, district heating and cooling. Helen has been awarded for its energy production, which is considered the most efficient in the Read more >

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland – Aid applications process

Diaconia fund is the church’s joint aid fund. It assists families and individuals in Finland who have encountered unexpected financial difficulties or emergency situations. The purpose of the fund is to help overcome a difficult financial situation, after which the recipient Read more >

Hoivarakentajat – Hirsirakentajan arkea tahdittaa digitaalinen sydän

Julkisten tilojen hirsirakentaja löysi avaimet liiketoiminnan reaaliaikaiseen tilannekuvaan, sujuvampaan työhön ja bisneksen kestävään kasvuun. Hoivarakentajien liiketoiminnan digitaalinen sydän rakennettiin kolmessa kuukaudessa low-code-alustan välineillä Microsoft Teamsiin. Kun alustan mahdollisuudet ovat avautuneet myös henkilökunnalle, tulee 83 % jatkokehitysideoista nyt organisaation riveistä. Note: Read more >

Hoivarakentajat – A digital heart sets the pace for the log construction company’s business

Hoivarakentajat, the largest constructor of public log buildings in Finland, found the keys to a real-time situational picture of the business, smoother work and sustainable business growth. The digital heart of their business was built in three months using Microsoft’s Read more >

Etteplan – Modernizing the nonconformity management tool

Etteplan had an established nonconformity process defined, with also an existing tool in place to allow creating and handling nonconformities. This legacy solution was built with SharePoint Online and Infopath, of which the latter one was turning into technical debt Read more >