Power Platform Virtual Happy Hour 10.11.2021: State of the Union

Before COVID, there was an initiative launched called Power Platform Happy Hour that managed to bring together people working with these Microsoft business application technologies for informal discussion and maybe a few drinks in several cities all over the globe.
These days many of us aren’t yet able to meet eachother in such physical gatherings. In addition to the virtual user group presentations for knowledge sharing, there remains the need for a less formal exchange of ideas. Like the ones you would have around a cold pint. Although virtual beer still hasn’t been invented, the other essential ingredients are available in Power Platform Virtual Happy Hour events.

On November 10th, the last Virtual Happy Hour event of 2021 will feature guests Jukka Niiranen and Megan Walker, alongside the usual suspects Alison Mulligan, Lee Baker, Chris Huntingford and Carl Cookson. Between these 6 Microsoft MVPs, we will be discussing all the latest Microsoft Ignite announcements as well as the current state on future direction of Power Platform in general.
Update: the event recording is now available on YouTube: